Ian McNicol Fine Art Printmaker
I am a fine art printmaker based in Ayr, Scotland.
Here you can see a range of my etchings & woodcuts produced over the last few years. Some works have been exhibited over a number of years at the Royal Academy Summer Show and this year at the International Original Print Exhibition at the Bankside Gallery in London.

The Storm is not in the Tea Cup, Etching, 2022.
Exhibiting at The RA Summer Exhibition 2022.
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Ian McNicol was born in Paisley in 1965. He studied Architecture for 3 years at Glasgow School of Art before changing to Technical Graphics & Illustration (at Glasgow College of Building and Printing). A further 10 years were spent in professional practice with a firm of architects while taking a series of evening classes at the Glasgow Print Studio, where he experimented with screenprinting, lithography and relief techniques, eventually being seduced by the etching process.
The artworks are made using the traditional printmaking technique of etching which involves using steel and copper plates, etched in acids and hand printed on to paper.
Ian currently works at Glasgow Print Studio as Master Printer, Etching Tutor and Technician and regularly works with contemporary artists such as Elizabeth Blackadder, John Byrne and Eileen Cooper.
Barbara Rae RA awarded Ian The Provst James Rae Trust Residency at The Ballinglen Museum & Arts Foundation in Ballycastle, Co Mayo, Ireland, May-June 2022.
He exibits his work widely within the UK (including the Summer Show at the Royal Academy, London 2015, 2017, 2019, 2020 & 2022) and has his work in collections with Portland Art Museum, Oregon; the Collins Gallery, Beweley’s Hotel, Grasshopper Hotels, the British Council, Edinburgh and the HG Group, Building and Project Managers in Glasgow.
TElliptical Combinations 1324, Etching. On display at Royal Academy Summer Exhibition 2017

'Red Versus Blue'. Exhibited at Royal Academy Summer Exhibition 2015, London. Winner of The London Original Print Fair Prize 2015.